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bucket list

{I've been writing my bucket list on post its, sending texts to myself, in my 50 different journals so here is ONE in ONE place.
and I can edit when I think of new stuff}

1.go to Europe with my mama

2. Finish school

3.learn to sew on a machine, and be able to read patterns

4.Visit Washington DC

5. go to burning man with dom

6. learn to play the guitar (my mom bought me one, its in chicago so maybe I can cross this off soon) a legit camera

8. go to the Grand Canyon 

9.own a store

10.get married

11. babiesssss

12. skydive

13. learn sign language

14. ride an elephant 

15.spend new years eve in times square

16. have a picnic

17. be made into a cartoon!

18. go to ACL with my bff

19.go to the forest.

20. go to grad school

21. learn how to use photoshop like a pro

22.learn to make the perfect pancake

23. get 50 followers on my blog

24. get 5 sponsors

25.get an ipad

26.move back to LA

27. make and meet a Blogger friend

{Knitting/crochet bucket list.}
1. learn to do a cable knit stitch

2. learn to make socks

3.learn to make a cupcake hat

4.learn to make a cupcake scarf

5.learn to make a triangle top

6. learn to make a bow tie

7.finish a whole blanket!

8. Make a granny square a week to finish a blanket!


Jess said...

You thought of a lot of stuff that I didn't think of!
Like buying a legit camera...YES!

Thanks for linking up, girl :)

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