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Monday, December 3, 2012

iphone apps

lets just talk about how obsessed I am with my iphone.
if you dont have an iphone, Im sorry because your life sucks. 
you cant have conversations with Siri

you dont have cool camera apps
and your text tone is different. 

Today Im gonna share some of my favorite iphone photography apps. 
dont get me wrong I love myself some instagram but the possibilities are endless on the iphone. 
this one was edited with Pixlromatic
people ask me for this one all the time. it puts the bokeh on the picture. 
hearts, stars, dots, galaxy. 
KitCam -$1.99
this one is pretty new for me, but holy wow its awesome. 
gives you tons of lenses to play with
and is so fun to play with
this one is made with LINE camera- free
that is all
theses were made with Pic+Pic
like picstitch but has fun backgrounds, shapes, colors. all that jazz.

what are your favorite iphone apps?


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